Is There a Cure for Herpes?

Two strains of herpes called HSV-1 and HSV-2 are responsible for herpes outbreaks. Genetically, these strains are not the same, but they produce similar symptoms in people. These strains can cause sores, bumps, and other unsightly irritations that are embarrassing and uncomfortable too. You experience these symptoms during "flare ups", which is the time when the virus tries to replicate. These flare-ups can last for a week or longer in some cases. People suffering from this condition often ask if there is a cure for herpes. Is it really possible to treat this condition and save yourself from dealing with all the pain and discomfort it causes?

Is There a Cure for Herpes?

While you can treat oral herpes and genital herpes, you cannot cure it for good. However, you should not feel sad because many researchers have moved a step closer to finding a cure. There are chances of finding a cure in the future because treatments like immunotherapy and micro-RNA treatments have shown great promise.

Why Is It Difficult to Cure Herpes?

Herpes behaves in a specific way in the body, which is why it is hard to cure. You can certainly try suppressive therapy to prevent outbreaks or try ways to reduce the pain associated with an outbreak, but you cannot cure it completely. The problem is that the virus that causes herpes hides out in the cells of your nervous system when it is not active. Even during outbreaks, the infection is latent and is not visible to drugs and the immune system. When the virus is active, you can use some treatment options to reduce its severity, but there is no way to target the virus that remains hidden in the cells. That is why there is still no cure available for herpes.

Will There Ever Be a Cure for this Condition?

Researchers believe that they will be able to find a cure, but it can still take several years to find something that actually works in the human body. Currently, researchers are experimenting on lab animals only, which means that it is going to take long to find something that works in the lab and then produces the same effects in people. It means that there is hope but still, there is no guarantee that you will be able to find a cure any time soon.

Treatments That Help

Is there a cure for herpes? No, there is not, and that is why it is important to learn how you can 'treat' the flare-ups and limit the discomfort. There are methods available to minimize the symptoms of herpes. You can also find some treatment options to lower the risk of spreading the infection to other people. Here are some options to consider.

1. Pay Attention to What You Eat

In order to control the outbreaks, you need to pay a close attention to your diet. The idea is to eat foods that help improve your immune system and promote healing at the same time. Include the following foods in your diet to keep the virus dormant:

  • Eat foods rich in L-lysine. This amino acid helps keep the virus from replicating. Some nice options include chicken, turkey, fish, legumes, and vegetables.
  • Include oranges and red veggies in your diet. This helps because these vegetables provide you with antioxidants, such as bioflavonoid, carotenoids, and vitamin C.
  • Enjoy wild-caught fish. Fish needs to be part of your diet because it provides you with omega-3 fatty acids that help reduce inflammation and promote healing at the same time.
  • Increase your intake of protein. Your body needs enough protein to heal itself, and that is why you should eat food like pasture-raised poultry, wild-caught fish, and grass-fed beef to get more protein.
  • Include more zinc in your diet. Foods like organ meats, pumpkin seeds, grass-fed beef, nuts, and seeds are great sources of zinc. You also get it from green veggies, such as spinach. Increasing your intake of zinc helps treat cold sores and works to prevent a flare-up in case of herpes.

2. Take Right Medication

As mentioned already, there is no cure available for HSV2, but you can try certain medications to get some relief. The drugs you have available work by affecting the virus's ability to replicate. This in turn helps limit the number of flare-ups. You can take antiviral drugs like FAmvir, Zovirax, and Valtrex to treat your symptoms. These drugs not only help reduce flare-up episode severity but also play a role in warding off flare-ups.

3. Try Natural Supplements and Vitamins

Is there a cure for herpes? Not for now but you can help reduce the frequency of flare-ups by increasing your intake of certain vitamins and minerals. Many natural supplements are now available for people struggling with herpes. Sometimes, you need to take these natural supplements orally, and on other occasions, you have to apply them topically to deal with flare-ups. Some possibly effective natural remedies are ginseng, Echinacea, aloe, sangre de grado, propolis, lemon balm, and zinc. These remedies work for some people, but do not prove that effective for others. Therefore, you may have to experiment a little to find something that works for you. 

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