How to Soothe a Teething Baby

How to soothe a baby who is teething? This is a question that every parent often ask. The process of tooth eruption or teething can be difficult for most babies. A little pain and discomfort is to be expected. Luckily, there are some home remedies that can help.

How to Soothe a Teething Baby

1. Rub Your Baby's Gums with Finger

Your baby may just require some amount of pressure in the area of the erupting teeth to feel better. Make sure that your finger is clean and then use it to gently apply pressure. Some parents do not like the idea of putting their fingers in the baby’s mouth and so they are advised to use a clean piece of gauze to wrap their fingers in. Remember that the rubbing has to be gentle and not too vigorous.

2. Keep Your Baby's Mouth Cool

Using a cold teething toy or a spoon can help relieve some of the teething pain your child is facing. Even a damp, clean cloth kept in the fridge for some time can be used to achieve the same result.

The temperature of the teething toy or spoon should be cold but not freezing as that can cause an injury to the baby’s gums and cheeks.

3. Buy a Teething Device

How to soothe a teething baby? Start by investing in a teething device. There are plenty of choices that are available in the market, including the traditional teething rings, chew toys and teething blankets. Newer teething devices that vibrate and help massage the gums are also available.

The baby will usually try to chew on these toys when the teething is irritating him or her. Make sure that the teething device is kept clean and can be put in a sterilizer to avoid any infection.

4. Give Your Baby Hard Foods

If your baby already has some erupted teeth and is able to eat solid food, then you can use hard food to help ease the teething pain. The baby can chew on foods such as cucumber, carrot or biscuits to apply pressure on the teething area and get some relief.

Parents must be very careful to avoid the baby choking on hard food, so do not let the baby get out of your sight or give him or her a mesh feeding bag through which they can chew on.

5. Breastfeeding

How to soothe a teething baby? The answer might be breastfeeding. There are some babies who want to feed more when they are teething as it will soothe them.

6. Distract the Baby

If a baby is getting very irritated or bothered, then try to play with the baby in a manner that he or she enjoys. Maybe a walk outside or a game of peekaboo or just handing the baby his or her favorite toy can help. Distracting and getting the baby's mind to wander may be all that is required to calm him or her down.

7. Try Chamomile Tea

A popular ingredient used to soothe teething babies is chamomile tea. It is said to have naturally calming properties that will relax your baby and relieve the discomfort from the teething site.

Ensure that the tea is non-caffeinated and only give very small amounts. A couple of spoons of tea is all that will be needed to do the trick.

8. Use Amber Teething Necklace

A lot of parents are using an amber necklace as an aid to provide relief to their children from teething. The science behind this is unclear, but it is suggested that the baby’s warmth causes the necklace to release certain analgesic chemicals and thus providing relief.

Care should be taken to ensure that baby does not sleep with a necklace around his or her neck.

9. Try Over-the-Counter Drugs

If you have tried the home remedies, and are still wondering how to soothe a teething baby, then it may be time to try some over-the-counter pain medication. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen is available at most drug stores and can be used to provide relief to young babies. However, babies younger than 6 months of age are not advised to be given ibuprofen.

It is always better to have the doctor’s permission before you give any kind of medication to your baby. Follow the doctor's instructions or those on the back of the bottle precisely.

10. Use Teething Gels

Teething gels are also available over-the-counter to help children with teething. These formulations will usually contain a small amount of local anesthesia or antiseptic that will provide some relief to the child. The effect of these gels is short lasting as they are washed away with the saliva.

Take your doctor's advice before using these gels and do not use them more than is recommended by the manufacturer.

When to See a Doctor

If you are still at a loss as to how to soothe a teething baby, then it may be time to take some professional help. Also, if your baby develops fever or vomiting or simply refuses to eat, then visit your doctor and seek a professional opinion. An infection may have occurred and needs prompt treatment. 

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